Not Donating to Democrats Until They Restore my Bodily Autonomy

Like most everyone in the United States who has ever visited a politicians website ever, I’ve been inundated – INUNDATED – with emails by democrats begging for money. I am not a democrat, I am an undeclared independent sort, which started around 2010, when I ditched the dems for not doing their job.

Just to refresh anyone’s memories… Obama was in office. I ditched the party because when it had a super majority, it completely blew the opportunity to make real and lasting change. They could have replaced RBG. They could have codified bodily autonomy as part of the constitution. But they didn’t. Instead, Obama tried to make nicey nice with conservatives who can’t be reasoned with, and here we are…

Four years of Trump. Probably four more to come.

The loss of bodily autonomy.

The loss of a progressive supreme court.

The loss of actual, meaningful gun control.

Lots of losses. Obamacare is a big gain as far as I’m concerned, but even it was watered down by the time it was passed because the democrats didn’t have the stomach required to just ram it down their throats.

So I left the party. Total inability to do their fucking jobs.

Of course, though, that doesn’t mean I get a vacation from voting for them. Only idiots abstain from voting or vote for the other guy as a protest vote. I’m locked into voting for democrats because I only ever have a choice between a party that wants to strip me of every freedom I currently have and… democrats.

But I won’t give them money. Fuck that. They’re going to have to earn that shit.

They need to stop expecting loyalty while delivering mediocrity. It’s time for them to stand up and fight like our rights depend on it—because they do. The moment they restore our bodily autonomy and show they have the backbone to protect our freedoms, then and only then, will they see a dime from me.

Until then, they can keep begging. I'm done rewarding incompetence and cowardice.

Don't believe me! Always fact-check everything you read on the internet through multiple sources. Here's a list to help.