I've been kind of struggling to determine what to really do with this blog. I've kind of been using it scattershot, with no clear idea of what I was going to do with it, or really why I had it in the first place, I guess. I've just always felt the need to write, but I want to do it in the way we did before there were comment sections on the internet. Dance like no one is watching.
😆 Blog like no one is reading? Ha! I'm now making this a journal of sorts. No demands, no expectations, just... whatever I feel like writing about when the mood takes me. That feels right. There's got to be a middle ground between sharing yourself with the world so the world can benefit from shared experiences, and protecting your peace from the parts of the world that don't deserve an opportunity to comment.
I feel like we had that somewhere in the 90s where if you knew a tiny bit of HTML, you could build a quick slapshot journal hosted on an old UNIX college account the university forgot to disable. I'd spend hours reading about the lives of people around me, and I'd never once be bothered with thoughts of what other people might think. So yeah.
Here we go. Pushing the reboot button.