Run Your Own Race

My little terrier doggie baby had to spend the night hospitalized at the emergency vet because she had cluster seizures. She's been epileptic since she was about two, but it was contained to one seizure every couple of months, sometimes longer. The gap between last night's clusters and the seizure before that was actually six months. Even though her vet originally told me it'd never go away, but she would be alright, I'd kinda hoped maybe they magically went away... but no. My poor baby.

I have to go pick her up this afternoon. She'll need to see her normal vet and we'll probably have to put her on an anti-seizure medication, but she'll be alright. My brain, though, seems to have only one way to respond to things, and that's running immediately to the worst worst worst worst case scenario. It's part of how cancer left indelible marks on my psyche. It was the worst thing I could imagine.

The worst thing I could imagine is what sends me into hyper vigilance. My brain just wants to prepare me so that if the worst of the worst comes true, I'm prepared to handle it... it's doing its job. It's just that it's exhausting me. Literally exhausting me. I keep going over all the reasons we don't need to be hyper vigilant about this, but only medication seems to get through.

My brain, by the way, does this with everything. EVERYTHING. I had some anxiety prior to cancer, mostly around work and stepping out of my comfort zone in other areas of my life. This was brought on by childhood abuse. My mother had this horrible abusive pattern. Get mad at me about something ridiculous, start a fight where the power dynamics are impossible for me to do anything to defend myself – especially as a child, withdraw love and affection I'm guessing punitively, then just wait. After a number of weeks, months, or years, she then returns to my life and expects the incident will just be forgotten and never brought up again.

As a result, even though I've been no contact with my family for the last 15+ years, I'm always on the lookout for some random thing that'll set off someone around me that I'd like to avoid. Cancer intensified that to the Nth degree. EVERYTHING is life or fucking death. Fight or flight. The biggest problem with THAT is that I pick fight. And when I fight, I fight to hurt because I was bullied with impunity throughout my entire life by children and adults. I know what hurts people. I know how to find a person's insecurity and hammer on that over and over and over until they rage or they cry or they slink away. I've done it before and I feel bad about doing it, even if the person deserved a taste of their own medicine, but I don't like it.

I don't like it, but I think it's necessary. Not as mindless cruelty to people you dislike, but as targeted anger to people who harm others. I want to say I learned how to weaponize the bullying of others against them when I was in 6th grade. Fourth and fifth grades were full of bullies that loved to make fun of my name or my clothes or my family or any little thing they could trigger me on... and I was (and still am) an emotional person who cries when they're angry, frustrated, sad, depressed, basically... if it's too much emotion, I cry.

I realized, after Stephanie Strayer pushed me against a brick wall so hard I hit my head, then took a Polaroid of me crying and showed it to everyone, that this is what hurts people, and this is how girls hurt girls who don't fit in. Like a girl who was actually nonbinary, but didn't have words for that in the 80s and had to deal with other labels like, “not like the other girls”, and “tomboy” that were close, but not quite true, and always kinda carried a negative connotation, with a German last name that was easy to make into new, horrible words. These bullies pulled out the my insecurities and weaponized them.

So, in 6th grade, when a girl whose name I don't remember kept relentlessly attacking me in front of her friends over every little thing, finally got on my last nerve, I turned to her and told her that at least I didn't have to suck up to the teacher to get a decent grade. I think I used the words “teacher's pet” a few times while her dumbass friends looked on and made “oooo” sounds. I dropped it, walked away, and she didn't bother me ever again.

But I knew I hurt her, and I didn't like hurting her.

But I also know it works. Because it works on me.

To bring that back around to politics and pulling punches, this is what I mean. Not a lot of people are willing to go there because we're not like them. Which is admirable, but short-sighted. No, we aren't mean and cruel. We don't hurt people because it makes us feel good, and we do our level best not to hurt people at all, no matter how brainwashed they happen to be. We understand the reasons, and we know who is feeding these poor souls all these crap lies to exploit them... but we can't let the town idiot run the town.

Red states CAUSE their own disasters. They ignore climate change, prioritize really dumb and bad culture war legislation, let corporations get away with murder. While it's super lovely to think of the poor people, it's these poor people that voted in such a way that their state became a mess. At some point, blue states are just enabling the really bad choices that red states make. If the federal government wants to limit any federal aid that goes to California wildfire victims, California will need to keep more of our resources at home.

We can't do anything about the discrepancy between where federal dollars go because the IRS controls all that directly. We CAN, however, keep our experts at home, where we need them, and give no additional aid other than what they're naturally getting through our federal taxes. Tough love. You all keep voting in ways that make your states vulnerable to natural disasters. We've supported you for a very very long time, but there comes a point when you have to learn from your own mistakes.

It won't happen, though... nominal leftists are far more interested in appearing as though they're model compassionate progressives than actually doing the messy work necessary to make change. Not in a purity test “have you ever made a mistake” sort of way, but in a holier-than-thou, look-at-how-compassionate-we-are sort of way. In the past, I've seen people who have done some terrible things, never took accountability for their actions, never sat with their discomfort, never did anything at all to indicate they've learned from the experience be welcomed back into nominal leftist spaces because of “compassion”.

It's not that people don't deserve opportunities to change their path... they absolutely do... but they have to actually change their path. Nominal leftists (a term I lifted from something I read on reddit) are often pretty selfish. A lot of what they do is for the optics, after all. That selfless compassion. That unconditional love for your fellow humans. They would sacrifice everything to help someone else... but that thinking doesn't ever get us forward.

People keep voting for bad infrastructure, then we keep cleaning up the mess left behind. Then, when we are in actual need of help we don't get it or it comes with conditions because the people we're helping aren't even being compassionate for the optics. They don't care. They don't know how to be compassionate at all. That dysfunctional cycle has got to be disrupted somehow.

California will recover with or without federal aid. We are the world's 5th largest economy. CAL Fire has decades of experience fighting wildfire and spreads that knowledge across the states. There are a gazillion other reasons and ways California could fuck the rest of the country by keeping our resources closer to home. But we won't do it, even if there seems to be no other way there's going to be any appreciable change.

Plus, if the federal government really does restrict aid based on required changes they are not qualified to decide, it becomes necessary to conserve our resources. California resources for Californians. It would be a messy, uncomfortable, and difficult place to manage for a while, but maybe a little FAFO would wake up the red state leeches?

Anyway, just heard about my dog. She's doing well, I'll get to go pick her up in an hour and a half. I'm gonna make the appointment with her family vet right now to look at medication options. Writing this post helped me focus on something, so I'm grateful for that.

I haven't updated this journal in a bit, so I thought I'd sit down and do it today, especially since I have some things to get off my chest.

I was hoping that after the election I'd hit a couple of weeks of depression, then move on to rolling my eyes at another four years of the Dumpster Trumpster Show. I should have known better, however, as they've already started harming as many people as possible.

Fucking dipshits.

Let's um, take an accounting, shall we?

Meta (Facebook/Insta) has rolled back their moderation and now explicitly allows calling nonbinary people “it”, questioning the mental stability of transgender people, and calling women household objects. They say it's because of the change in the political landscape. That some fucked up loose morality there, kids. Zuck the whore. They also removed their trans and possibly nonbinary themes from the messenger app just to be extra petty.

People should really permanently delete their Facebook and Insta accounts in protest, but I haven't heard or read of any tales of that happening. Time will tell, I guess, but I don't really have any hope. The excuses are so thin it's disrespectful and insulting.

“I want to keep up with my family.” Do you not have a phone? “I want to connect with my friends.” Again. Phone. “Where would I see cat videos?” Fuck off. “I NEED it for my job.” No you don't.

These are just fucking excuses for people who are too lazy and too addicted to change harmful behaviors. Teen suicide already hit a leap thanks to social media. Now that the guardrails are specifically taken off, how much worse is that going to get? Adults have more capability for dealing with online hate than teenagers, and even they can become victim to their own thoughts being egged on by internet hate.

I cried nearly all day yesterday. Not because Meta did this, but because I knew no one would do anything to protest it other than post on social media.

Before that... Elon and Vivek have started a civil war within the MAGAts that was predictable to anyone who knew anything at all about how tech works. H1B visas are basically used as indentured servitude for tech. Employees are often abused because if they lose their job, they'll be deported. That means they don't even get the choice to look for a new job when the old one becomes horrible.

For example – requiring 80 hour work weeks on exempt employees. Exempt employees, those earning a salary and not hourly, don't get paid overtime. So they work for free. In no way should this be legal, but it is, and tech companies abuse the fuck out of this, especially with H1B visa employees. I left abusive companies. They couldn't. Literally couldn't.

This one was also predictable. During the election cycle, I waited and waited and waited for H1Bs to come up, and they didn't. Or if they did, MAGA must've done a pretty damned good job of covering that part up. Tech would be completely shaken up if the H1B system was pulled and their people were deported. They'd have to hire Americans and pay them properly and not force them into unpaid overtime. Wouldn't that be hilarious?

I made the mistake of asking for solidarity on the Etsy forums over a really dumb policy. I wanted to talk about the policy, but the forum harpies that show up to every post like they've heard a siren's call showed up and keyed in on the fact that when someone orders an inexpensive item that's easy for me to make again and something goes wrong (like they don't receive it), I just send them a new one. Oh no, shock of shocks, all the Karens joined in to tell me I was doing it wrong and that I'd be taken advantage of if I kept it up.

I defended myself. Etsy mods deleted my defenses, and left up a bunch of really bad information. One woman just kept following me around the post, tagging me, and telling me how rude I was and how no one should help me. Another spent a lot of time writing a post to Karensplain to me why my policies were wrong and how I should never trust someone who tells me something was lost in the mail.

Apparently, when I told Karen that I'd rather be thought of as a Nordstrom or Costco than a Forever 21 or Shein, I was insulting her. Okay, I was fucking insulting her. And yeah, unless we're talking about a super original hard to replace item that costs quite a bit, I think leaning on Etsy's ridiculous return policies is just bad customer service, which I associate with cheap brands. So yeah, I did intend to insult the cunt. Ah well, sometimes our worst demons take over. She deserved it.

But, the greater take-away here is that the forums on Etsy and even r/EtsySellers, are both trash. I read through many of the r/EtsySellers posts, and they too were full of sellers who were suspicious of every little thing customers asked for... and they wouldn't given an inch, even if the consequences of a loss would be small. One woman complained about losing $10 because an item didn't arrive and neither Etsy or the USPS would refund her. Ten bucks is hardly worth the labor it would take to follow either of those avenues... and there's no way to get either of those sources involved without requiring the customer do something.

“Oh, you didn't receive it in the mail? Okay, well, I'll need you to call your post office, ask them about it... ask your neighbors to see if any of them received it... then, wait 48 hours and file a claim with Etsy. Why 48 hours? I think Etsy just wants you to give up and not do it. Oh, wait, you're bored and have already stopped reading this? Not surprised. sigh

Poof. No more customer. And, look, if you've ever tried to track down a package through the US postal system... it RARELY – if EVER – results in anything. There's a Cost-Benefit analysis that has to be done. It only took me a couple of attempts to find missing packages before I realized it cost me more to go through the motions of looking than it does to just replace the item.

But try telling Karen that, 100% of whom are 100% sure 100% of their customers are trying to scam them. It's like talking to a brick wall. I don't know why I bothered, I think maybe I wanted pain? I don't know. The bottom line is I'm way beyond anything I can get out of these communities, either because the communities suck or because people don't understand that every business doesn't run the same way just because we all use the same platform. Even Etsy doesn't understand that part.

In the midst of all this, I've also been doing my best to work on new button designs. There's ample material out there to work with, after all. I've just... I don't know how to exist in a world that is erasing me a little at a time. I've been staying at home a lot... getting my groceries, food, and everything else I need delivered. Occasionally, I go out when I absolutely have to, but if I can get something delivered I go that route.

Social media is pushing out people like me en masse, leaving us to the jackals and the clowns... and the worst part is the dumb excuses people give to let it happen. No, hating me isn't going to make your eggs cheaper or your taxes go down. It's not going to ensure you have a retirement or job. It's not going to make your house worth more or pay for the additional insurance you'll need due to climate change. Hurting me and hating me will do absolutely nothing to make your life better.

But it won't matter because stupid is as stupid does. My only hope is that this MAGA civil war will continue to produce Right-on-Right violence and more CEOs get killed. Maybe that'll thin the herd some and in four years the serious adults can take back the country again. Doubt it, though. An awful lot of them would have to die for that to matter. I hate being a place where I think this, but look... I also hate being in a place where I'm genuinely afraid of being murdered for being a nonbinary person in America.

There's a kind of average sameness to the world that frustrates me in a deep way that all at once makes me feel judgmental and maybe a little pretentious, but really just tired and frustrated. I think the frustration for me is profoundly deeper in online spaces because I've been here since 1993 and all of my early hopes have crumbled into a shallow, safe, sameness.

And it’s not just the sameness—it’s the willingness to accept it, even celebrate it, that feels like the bigger betrayal. The early internet was messy, chaotic, and deeply weird, and that’s what made it beautiful. It felt alive, full of risks and surprises. Now it feels like the edges have been sanded down, the chaos replaced with curated predictability, all designed to be as inoffensive and profitable as possible. That’s the part that really cuts: not that the world changed, but that so few people seem to care.

It's disturbing for me personally in some ways because part of my job as a web developer was often to run multivariate and split testing. The products were occasional gifts like flowers and chocolates at one company, and tax software at another. Both ran tests. Lots of tests. Let me explain how this works...

You set up variations of a webpage—maybe different headlines, button colors, layouts, or images—and show them to random slices of visitors. The system tracks which version gets the most clicks, sales, or sign-ups, and voilà! You have your “winner.” But here’s the thing: the winner is almost always the most average, the least risky, the option that offends no one and excites no one. It’s optimization in action, but it’s also a slow death for creativity. Over time, you’re not just testing—you're training the entire experience to appeal to the broadest, safest audience. It works, but it also erases any spark of individuality.

These corporations used this on everything, and a lot of it left me feeling slimy after implementing the request. For instance... one test took a look at how far they could push the cost of shipping before the customer was hooked and found it too much trouble to look for a less expensive option. In another, the company implemented an extra service charge during a fuel crisis. This was based on nothing, and they tested just how high they could make the price before people bailed. They also tested on what sold and what didn't sell, adjusting the creative teams to design things that hit that averageness.

Other companies have done similar things. Some examples include:

  • Airlines: Testing how small they can make the seat space, how much they can charge for baggage, and even charging for things like seat selection, snacks, or early boarding—pushing until customers grumble but still pay.
  • Fast Food Chains: Rolling out value menus or “limited-time” offers after testing how low-quality ingredients can go while keeping customers buying. The result? Cheaper, blander, more generic options.
  • Streaming Services: Tweaking algorithms to prioritize “safe” content over innovative or challenging stories—because tried-and-true formulas keep people binging longer.
  • Retail Giants: Adjusting free shipping thresholds, return policies, or subscription perks to find the sweet spot where customers stick but still squeeze extra revenue.

It’s not just testing for customer satisfaction—it’s testing for maximum extraction. The goal isn’t a better experience; it’s the most profitable average experience. And it seeps into everything, creating this feedback loop of blandness that you can’t escape. It’s no wonder it feels slimy. At its core, it’s manipulation dressed up as data-driven decision-making.

I hated that feeling like I was manipulating people. Hated it. I eventually burnt out of the job entirely, and the mediocrity is really a big part of the reason why. I don't want to live in a world that's small in all the wrong ways. I hate that I contributed to it, even if I was just doing my job, and I strive to run my own business without that. And... for some reason people hate that.

So it's been 18 days since I last made an entry, and it already feels like I should apologize for not writing sooner, but... in a pre-Trump world, that wouldn't have been that fucking long. heavy sigh

I keep reaching for some idea of what hope might be, and I'm still not quite sure I've found it. It seems like, when I was younger, hope was easier to grasp. Now, it's this fleeting idea that I reach for, but as soon as I wrap my fingers around it... it disappears. There are a myriad of reasons for this... but I think the greatest is the lie we're told as young people that incremental change is how real progress happens.

When I was younger, I think that lie was easy to swallow because I felt I had all the time in the world for this shit to work itself out. At middle age, though, having seen so many struggles, it feels like an endless battle that will never be completed or realized, or at least not in my lifetime. That's led me to the deep understanding that incremental change is a myth sold to us by the powerful people who profit off division.

Fuck that. It's time to break some shit.

President Fuckboy has put together an al Fuckboy cabinet, and before he's even been sworn in, they are essentially running a silent coup. Fuckbrother Musk is literally demanding the Senate shut down the government until Fuckbrother Trump gets into office. Meanwhile, hate has become mainstream again.

I haven't gone out much because I don't know if I trust myself not to go all Jesus and the moneychangers in the temple on the first Fuckbrother Trump stand selling cheap-ass MAGA products to cheap-ass MAGAts.

But other than that, everything's fine. 😉

Since the election, things have been weird. In fact, weird doesn't even cover the whole... vibe. My little business that sells pronoun and pride flag buttons saw a bump in business selling 'you are safe with me' buttons – enough that I was able to make an upgrade or two. I don't like the reason, but I appreciate the support. Both in giving me business and in wearing flair that sends out the message that you're NOT MAGA.

It's kept me busy, which has been very welcome. I cried a bit the first two days. Not because my candidate lost, but because the country lost and in doing so revealed itself to be beyond redemption. That last spark of hope that humanity would do the right thing fizzled out that night.

Spoiler: Humanity almost NEVER does the right fucking thing.

And so here we are, on the other end of that tense tense tense election, and I happen to be one of those “pronoun people” the right has scapegoated... I have no idea how things are going to go in the next however many years. I have a sliver of an idea based on how the first term went, but this man now has no checks, no balances, and no one with a shred of humanity, empathy, or compassion is anywhere near government.

To paraphrase one article I read... we're about to find out what happens when 1% of the country is targeted with the full wrath of the United States Government.

For cheaper groceries.

Really America? 🤦🏻

The groceries aren't even going to get cheaper because none of the people who voted for this guy understand economics at even the most basic level. I can't even try to be empathetic towards people this blind to reality. I don't even think it's an education thing, I think it's a weak mind thing, and I'll go further to say I think religious belief is what makes that mind weak in the first place. Weak enough to fall for a cult that pretends to be a political party.

Fucking idiot shitbags.

But... look... I have to move on from this... reality is what it is and all that. I just have to take steps to protect my own peace and my own family. Queer, trans, and nonbinary people don't just cease existing because the government is ceded to a bunch of idiots. It just means we have to exist for ourselves and ourselves alone.

It also means the constraints of reality don't really apply to us anymore – not in the same way they apply to other people at any rate. When society creates a box and tries to force you into that box, but you don't actually fit, that means you have literally everything else. All the people in that world? All they have is what's in that box. You? You have everything NOT in that box, and that's a whole lot more.

I dunno, maybe that's why my creativity has been off the charts lately. 😁

I've been kind of struggling to determine what to really do with this blog. I've kind of been using it scattershot, with no clear idea of what I was going to do with it, or really why I had it in the first place, I guess. I've just always felt the need to write, but I want to do it in the way we did before there were comment sections on the internet. Dance like no one is watching.

😆 Blog like no one is reading? Ha! I'm now making this a journal of sorts. No demands, no expectations, just... whatever I feel like writing about when the mood takes me. That feels right. There's got to be a middle ground between sharing yourself with the world so the world can benefit from shared experiences, and protecting your peace from the parts of the world that don't deserve an opportunity to comment.

I feel like we had that somewhere in the 90s where if you knew a tiny bit of HTML, you could build a quick slapshot journal hosted on an old UNIX college account the university forgot to disable. I'd spend hours reading about the lives of people around me, and I'd never once be bothered with thoughts of what other people might think. So yeah.

Here we go. Pushing the reboot button.


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